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??? (??? ) ?????? ?????? <Hahn pointing system>
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Mi 07 Sep. 2005, 17:29
This method has been developed by Prof. Sang-Dae Hahn to encourage the players (especially the beginners) to have more "fighting" oriented games. "Fighting" or "battle" oriented games lead to the player's development of concentrated reading power.

The idea was originated from "bangnaegi," which is used by Koreans when they play for money. They call '1~10' territories "one bang", and '11~20' "two bangs" and so on. These points go up to 'Manbang', which is 91 points or more. This pointing system can cause players to become aggressively competitive. Korean people usually say things like "I can beat him by 'Manbang' and take all of his money." To win more money, they never stop fighting till the last minutes of a game. This style of Baduk has been notoriously accepted as the "Korean style." It is still very popular among Korean Baduk players.

Unlike other systems this system also allows the loser to obtain points. This system operates purely by points. It is a "higher-point-getter-ranks-higher" system. The player whose result is 5 wins and 2 losses with 580 points beats the player in ranking who won a perfect 7 games with 570 points. It sounds very unfair, but it causes all sorts of hilarious happenings, and it's the best way to make players very very greedy and aggressive!

How to score:

Winning By 0.5~ 10 gets 60 points

Winning by 10.5 ~ 20 gets 70 points

Winning by 20.5~ 30 gets 80 points

Winning by 30.5~ 40 gets 90 points

Winning by 40.5 or more gets 100 points

Losing by 0.5~10 gets 40 points

Losing by 10.5~ 20 gets 30 points

Losing by 20.5~ 30 gets 20 points

Losing by 30.5~40 gets 10 points

Losing by 40.5 or more gets 0 point
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Mi 08 Mär. 2006, 09:14
Das ist zwar der falsche Thread, aber der erste Thread erlaubt keine Antwort. - Ich finde es sehr begrü??enswert, dass es hier jetzt eine eigene Rubrik Regeln gibt. Das ist besser als auf dem DGoB-Forum, wo es sie immer noch nicht gibt, obwohl der Traffic dies dort sehr rechtfertigte. Man kann zwar zweifeln, ob in einem Clubforum der Traffic sich stark genug entwickeln wird, um eine eigene Regel-Rubrik zu rechtfertigen, andererseits, selbst wenn Threads eher selten sein sollten, tendieren Regel-Threads, wenn sie erst einmal anfangen, dazu, intensiv und lang zu werden. Insofern könnte es durchaus sinnvoll sein, dass es hier eine eigene Regel-Rubrik gibt.
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